Three guys, a Polish guy, a Jewish guy and an Italian guy
sign up for the police academy. The Jewish guy goes in first and the Captain
says to him, "We have to ask you one question before we admit you in to the
academy, Who killed Jesus?" The Jewish guy says "The Romans did it." The
Captain says, "Right, you're admitted." The Italian guy goes in next. The
Captain asks him the same thing. "We have to ask you one question first before
you're admitted to the Police Academy. Who killed Jesus?" The Italian guy says
"The Romans did it." The Captain says, "Right, you're admitted." The Polish
guy goes in and the Captain repeats the question. The Polish guy says "Gee, I
don't know." The Captain tells him to go home and think about it for a week
and come back and tell him. The Polish guy goes home and his wife asked him
how his first day went at the academy, and he says to her, "You won't believe
it! My first day on the job and they assigned me to a murder case!"